Why It's Important To Start Good Nutrition Early


Fresh out of undergrad I got a job as a nutrition educator for the WIC (women, infants, and children) program. During my time there I fell in love with pediatric and maternal nutrition. It has been a thing for me since 2014. I am a firm believer that good nutrition is one of the keys to a healthy life. This is the case for not only adults but children, toddlers and babies too.

Understand that eating healthy foods help children get the nutrients their body needs to stay healthy, active, and strong. Did you know that eating patterns start early in life? I sure did! If you didn’t I want you to understand that it’s okay! Early years provides you as parent with the opportunity to teach your young children healthy habits that will stick with them as they get older. I can remember growing up my mom would cook dinner every day except for Friday and we would always have a vegetable on our plate. Guess what? Now for dinner and lunch I can’t eat those meals without some type of vegetable. More times than not it’s a green vegetable. So I appreciate my mom for instilling that importance in me.

Children’s eating habits start fresh out the womb! Yes! In the infancy stage. Have you ever noticed that babies have certain hunger cues? They cry or put their fists up to their jaws when they are hungry. When they are full they spit the bottle or boob out. If they are eating table food they start throwing food on the floor lol. Babies know how to honor their hunger! Sometimes as parents we push them to finish their foods even when they are done and sometimes that’s not the best because it starts to create habits where they forget to really honor how they are feeling. So if you are a parent that pushes your child to finish their food please allow them to honor how they feel. They may come back later, but let that be their choice and not yours as the parent.

Let’s dive a little deeper into how you can help your child become a healthy eater.


Breast milk or formula is the most important thing your baby should be consuming. each provides your baby with the vital nutrients they need during that first year of life. So that basically means for the first 6 months there is no need to put cereal in your babies bottle. That alone can create health problems down the line such as digestive issues and childhood obesity.

  • If possible, breastfeed your baby for at least 6 months.

  • Try to wait until your baby is 6 months old to start solid foods. Choose healthy foods like pureed vegetables, jarred baby foods, and infant cereals.

  • When your baby is 8 or 9 months old, you can start offering small pieces of healthy finger foods. These could include grilled chicken, cooked carrots, or cut up fresh fruit. Beware of those that could cause choking hazards (pineapples, grapes, melons, etc.)

  • The best drinks for your baby are breast milk, formula, and water. Juice, soft drinks, and sports drinks add extra calories and sugar that your baby doesn’t need. Only put breast milk or formula in your baby’s bottle.

  • It is best to wait to give your baby 100% juice until after they turn 1, even then it should be diluted with water. A good rule of thumb is 2 oz of water t 2 oz of juice.

Toddlers and Preschoolers

This is my favorite age group. I worked with toddlers and preschoolers my last 3 years in undergrad and most days were stressful, but they are a fun group. They know exactly what they want and will tell you! Toddlers grow in spurts. Their appetites tend to come and go in spurts, too. They may eat a lot one day and hardly anything the next day. This is normal. Just continue to offer them a healthy selection of foods every day, and they should get the nutrients they need.

  • Provide healthy snacks for your toddler throughout the day. Offer them small cubes of cheese, cut up fruit, low-fat yogurt, or whole grain crackers.

  • Let your toddler choose between two healthy food options. He or she will be more likely to eat something they’ve chosen themselves.

  • Be patient with a picky eater. Sometimes toddlers need to try a food 10 to 15 times before they’ll eat it. Don’t give up on a healthy food after only a few tries.

  • Let your child help you prepare his or her food. They’ll be more likely to try healthy foods if they’ve helped make them.

  • Keep your fridge and pantry stocked with healthy foods and snacks. These could include string cheese, sliced apples, baby carrots, and peanut butter. Even if you are in a hurry, you’ll still have plenty of healthy options to choose from.

  • The best drinks for your toddler or preschooler are milk and water. Juice, soft drinks, and sports drinks add calories and sugar that young children don’t need.


Once your child goes to school, you have less control over what he or she eats during the day. I know for me a lot of times I did not even eat lunch at school because it was so horrible. I want you to know that there are still things you can do to help your child eat a healthy diet.

  • Pack your child’s lunch every day so you can control what they have to eat.

  • If they will buy their lunch, go over the lunch menu with them and tell them what you expect them to eat. Encourage them to make healthy choices.

  • Continue to offer healthy snacks when they get home from school, and prepare balanced, healthy breakfasts and dinners for them.

  • Remember that your child learns by watching you. If you eat healthy, your child is more likely to make similar choices.

Here are a few things that I want you to consider:

Good nutrition at an early age is not just about food choices. It is also about helping your child form healthy habits around food. Here are some other ways you can help your child become a healthy eater.

  • Don’t force your young child to eat. Children need to learn how to listen to their bodies so they can stop eating when they are full. Forcing a child to eat usually results in them eating less overall.

  • Skip the food reward. When you use food as a reward or to show affection, your child could start using food to cope with their emotions. Instead, give them hugs, praise, attention, or time together.

  • Turn off screens during meal times. Don’t let your child watch TV when they are eating. It encourages mindless eating, and they may miss their body’s natural cues telling them that they are full.

  • Make meal times about more than food. Use them as an opportunity to build strong family relationships. Talk with your child while you eat, and don’t let them eat alone.


I am on the preventive side of nutrition. It is something that I have always had a passion for. I want to catch children early in hopes that children will pick up some really good habits. Don’t get me wrong I absolutely love how nutrition plays an important role in healing those that may have diseases. However catching it early and being able to educate about it is what I really love! Understand that what you eat as a child affects you in your 20’s and 30’s. What you eat in your 20’s and 30’s you will possibly have to get treated for it in your 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. I am seeing daily how men and women my age are being diagnosed with certain diseases that most people don’t get until later in life so I felt it in my spirit to write this blog post. Lifestyle changes won’t happen overnight I know that. But starting early can help prevent certain diseases for the next generation! If this resonated with you in anyway let me know in the comments below. I would love to hear from you!

XO Kayla