What the Last 2 Years Taught Me


Hey Everyone!

I am finally done with my Masters program/Dietetic Internship! Somebody just shout Hallelujah! It has been a very long two years to say the least. I now know that everything that I have gone through over the last two years has been for my development and not my destruction. I have confidence that God allowed my process to happen how it did because he has a blessing tied to it. Everything that I have gone through has PUSHED me and STRETCHED me to the point where sometimes I started to question if this was the right path for me.


As I was questioning myself and consistently praying over myself in terms of guidance on where God wants to take me, he would always show up and show out. Whether that be I got an A on a test that I knew was about to be a disaster, an excellent review from a preceptor, a family of a patient telling me how helpful I was, or someone telling me how relatable I am when it comes to giving nutrition advice, etc. All of these things gave me that little bit of hope I needed to push myself to get to the finish line and really walk into my purpose. I can honestly say I am happy that I did not quit regardless of how many times I wanted too.


A few words from my preceptors about me and my overall performance:

  • Very mature with a good head on her shoulders. Good incite on food service, observant, smart, writes well, makes topics easy to understand with having a good tone, and creative.

  • Always positive and was never hesitant to jump in when help was needed during tray line. Very good teamwork skills.

  • Very proactive and communicates well. Has excellent, kind, and professional communication; excellent rapport building skills; excellent at summarizing and reflective listening; very proactive in learning and knows when to seek out for help and when completing tasks.

  • Communicates with clients in a relaxed but professional way that creates a comfortable environment. Takes initiative in asking for feedback on her performance. Accepts constructive criticism and works hard to improve.

  • Catches on to processes quickly and adjusts accordingly. Has a way with the patients family and making them feel comfortable. Can tell she has a background in nutrition education. Has improved tremendously with summarizing her nutrition assessments and observations from client assessments and follow ups.

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As you can see they all had really good things to say about me and those were the things that kept pushing me. Of course I had areas that I needed to improve in, because who doesn’t right? If you not growing continuously throughout life then what are you doing? I always made sure throughout the whole process that I asked for feedback continuously so that I could become the best Registered Dietitian that I could be. Some rotations were harder than others of course, but they were all for a good purpose. It was so important for me to make sure that even if it was something that I was not interested in that I acted like it. They all taught me something different. No area of dietetics is better than the next they are all vital no matter what area you end up in! I made it a point to make sure I made my preceptors feel as if they were one of Earths mightiest heath heroes because in my eyes they are!


As I entered my last semester it was the most trying time!!! I experienced a pain that I never thought I would have to experience at this point in my life. However, what I know is that when you are walking into your purpose the devil will try to distract you at every corner. And boy did he try me! Pain has a way of changing the way you see things. I have a whole new perspective that deserves my time and attention. It is super clear that what I’ve gone through has shifted where I’m going too. I say that to say that no matter what you are going through, if you know you have a goal in mind, never let anyone or anything stop you from fulfilling that goal. Push through the pain and keep going!! To sum this up the last two years taught me how strong I really am, mentally and emotionally. The season that I am walking into will be my best one yet! I have one more step to go and that is to sit for the RD exam which will be soon Lord willing!

So! #trustthatGODgotyou

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I would love to hear from you all in the comments!

XO Kayla