How to Stay Consistent with Living a Healthy Lifestyle

When it comes to creating a sustainable, healthy lifestyle consistency is key. It’s the actions you take MOST of the time that creates lasting results. But you knew this already right?

You know that eating well and moving your body is important but you’re struggling with how to make it last.

No worries, you're not alone. TRUST ME!! The biggest pain point from most people is their lack of consistency. They have a desire to live a healthy lifestyle or may even have set goals that are achievable for themselves, but something is still missing. They just can’t seem to make those habits they long for stick. WHY? They feel like they’re constantly falling off track, which leaves them feeling discouraged, defeated, and unmotivated to start living a healthy lifestyle again.

So what’s really the missing piece? It’s not willpower or lack of discipline. The missing piece to staying consistent with your healthy lifestyle is on a much deeper level. It is your WHY.



Your “why” is that deep-rooted, emotional reason behind wanting to make a change. It’s key in creating long term wellness, aka a lifestyle that will make you feel your best at all times.

When you know your “why”, your actions have a reason behind them. There is a strong emotional drive behind the actions you take on a daily basis and this motivates you to move forward. It gives you the kick in the butt that you need to make the changes and stay consistent. Without a strong “why”, it’s unlikely you will follow through with the time and effort required for successfully sustaining your goals long-term.

Let me give you an example….

Say your goal is to work out at 5 am before leaving for work. When your alarm goes off at 4:30, it is so easy to hit the snooze button right? Unless you have a solid “why” that is going to help overcome the immediate desire to sleep in and move you towards your long term goal.

Your “why” should come from your heart. It goes beyond superficial desires like numbers on the scale or fitting into your best suits or skinny jeans. It’s an internal driver like how you want to feel, a health concern you may want to address, an example you want to set for your family, that is going to push you forward and keep you motivated. For instance, your “why” could be…

  • I’m tired of not having the energy to get through the day without a nap. I want to be able to feel my best and be able to show up 100% for my family after work.

  • I want to lose the excess weight I gained in college because it’s causing me knee pain and backaches daily.

  • I want to reduce the risk of heart disease since it runs in my family and my father just passed away from a heart attack.

Can you see how these are much deeper? They have emotional backing that becomes the driving force. Until you identify your “why”, the real reason that will shake you to your core, there isn’t going to be that long-lasting consistency. So let’s figure out your why!



I know what I eat and how I take care of myself directly impacts how I feel and show up for myself and others, both immediately and in the long-run. I want to feel my best every day so I can lead by example and put 100% into everything I do. I want to function at my optimal level and someday be a mother. I want to have consistent energy and live my life to the fullest.

I can’t do this if I’m not prioritizing my health by eating well, moving my body and taking care of myself. It’s that simple.


Finding your why takes some work and you have to put in a little time. But don’t shy away from this. When you dig deep, address fears, and push through the uncomfortable, that is where the magic happens. You ready?!


Give yourself 10-20 minutes and sit down with a pen and paper. Maybe light a candle, put on some soft music, or diffuse some essential oil. This can help you relax and make the process feel like an act of self-care. We can all use some act of self care here and there.


Take 5 minutes to sit and envision the best version of yourself. Then write it down in detail. Make it crystal-clear for yourself. Some questions to get you started are:

  • What is the best version of me that I want to be?

  • What does that person do every day?

  • What does that person NOT do every day?

  • How does that version of you feel?


Now it’s time to dig deep and identify your “why”.

  • Why do you want to be the version of yourself you just described?

  • What is that strong emotional reason behind your desire to live well?

I can’t answer this for you. This has to come from deep inside you. Take some time to sit with these questions. It’s okay if it doesn’t come to you right away. Don’t get discouraged. Taking 3-5 minutes a day to sit with these questions may be what you need. Remember, when you dig deep, address fears, and push through the uncomfortable, that is where the magic happens.


Keep your “why” front and center. Write it down and tape it to your mirror, laptop, or bedside table. Make it your phone screen. Share your “why” with your significant other or your BFF. Make your “why” so apparent, it becomes ingrained in you. When you are making a decision, feeling a lack of motivation, or just needing a little reminder, revisit your “why”. Visit that why as many times as you need too. Your deep-emotional connection will be the boost you need to stay consistent with being the best version of yourself.

This can also go for more than just living a healthy life. You may want to go back to school, start a business, start a clothing line, or move to LA to break into the entertainment business. Whatever it is there should be a strong “why” behind it. If there isn’t then that’s really a good time for you to sit down and really figure out why you are choosing those certain paths. Create a goal and write a plan and ask yourself why you are doing it!!

Can’t have a goal without a plan…

I hope this has given someone the motivation they need to keep pushing forward. Once you figure out your “why” I would love to hear about it in the comments below! Let’s chat!

XO Kayla